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A member registered Feb 08, 2018

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Patch 1.03

Best Time: 20:06

Cause of Death: Flew of edge on long jump

Menu - No quit button... I know you want me to keep playing but I do have to pass my classes too ya know ;P

Music - Don't think there were any changes but it's still great none the less

Totems - Better but still extremely hard to find and letting them stack up are a big reason the Bloodstrike effect issue is so prevalent. Maybe adding a pulsing beam to the sky after they have been on the map for 45+ seconds.

Bloodstrike: Just noticed it in this play but, using bloodstrike on large pools (like 35+ connected nodes) cause a HUGE frame drop. Running a GTX 970 and an i7-4700k and still dropped to 5 fps while the effect was happening. Potential solution is to check as the children are being found and if they are X distance from the player(source node) despawn without playing the particle effect. Running into this problem mainly because I don't feel rewarded for going to try and find the totems so I just try to keep moving. Unfortunately, that means post 7-10 min detonating bloodstrike will most of the time effect 20% of the map.

Enemies: Everyone once in a while they get lost, but overall not too shabby

Safe zones - There is one location that needs to be removed from the potential spawn locations. The highest walkway of the center structure has a hole in the middle of it. With the way the safe zone looks visually it's impossible to see the hole. So if you happen to fall through you are guaranteed death. Other than that the safe zones also need to give you some leeway. Right now when they disappear the immunity does as well. That means if you are waiting for it to go away and get hit by a shot right as it despawns you have no immunity to protect you and no time to move. My recommendations is when it is safe to come out do something (audio or visual) to the safe zone that lets the player know they can leave. Then let the zone stay up a few more seconds to give players time to leave on their own terms.

First Person: It's nice.